Messaging Basics

Write messages using the text input box at the bottom of Smeetin. Press ENTER to send a message. Use SHIFT+ENTER to create a new line without sending a message.

Reply to messages by clicking the reply arrow next to the message text.

reply arrow

Notify teammates when they are needed by typing @username.

Format your messages using Markdown that supports text styling, headings, links, emoticons, code blocks, block quotes, tables, lists and in-line images.

You can use either _ or * for italics and bold text. See the table below for examples.


Quickly add emoji by typing “:” followed by two characters, which will open an emoji autocomplete. If the existing emoji don’t cover what you want to express, you can also create your own Custom Emoji.

Attach files by dragging and dropping into Smeetin or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.

Flag messages for follow up by clicking the flag icon next to the message timestamp.


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