Configuring Notifications

Notifications in Smeetin alert you to unread messages and mentions.

Unreads and Mentions

Unread Messages Indicator

The name of a channel in the left-hand sidebar shows as bold when there are unread messages in the channel. Clicking on the channel removes the bold indicator, and brings you to the earliest unread message in the channel.

You can choose not to show unread indicators in a channel by clicking Channel Menu > Notification Preferences > Mark Channel Unread and selecting Only for mentions. This will only notify you if a mention is triggered on your name or a keyword for which you’re listening.

Mentions Indicator

Mentions are triggered by selected keywords in a channel. Unread mentions are indicated by bold text and a mention counter next to the channel name in the left-hand sidebar.

Clicking the channel name removes the bolding and mention count. You can review your recent mentions by clicking @ next to the search box at the top of the screen.

Learn more about mentioning teammates.

Muting a Channel

By default, channel muting is turned off for all channels. To mute or unmute a channel, click the channel name at the top of the page to access the channel menu, then click Notification Preferences > Mute channel.

Email Notifications

Emails are sent for any mentions you receive if you have Smeetin closed or have not had any browser activity for a short time.

  • Turn email notifications On or Off in Account Settings > Notifications > Email Notifications.

  • Configure the email address where notifications are sent in Account Settings > General > Email.

Desktop Notifications

These are browser notifications that appear in the corner of your main monitor for activity in channels you are not actively viewing. By default, these notifications are sent for any mentions or other selected keywords. Desktop notifications are available on Edge, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

  • Configure when desktop notifications are sent from Account Settings > Notifications > Desktop Notifications > Send Desktop Notifications.

  • Configure channel specific desktop notifications from Channel Menu > Notification Preferences > Send Desktop Notifications. By default, all channels use the global setting configured in Account Settings.

Notification Sounds

A notification sound plays for all activity that would fire a desktop notification. Notification sounds are available on IE11, Edge, Safari and Chrome.

  • Turn notification sounds On or Off in Account Settings > Notifications > Desktop Notification Sounds.

  • Configure desktop notification triggers and sounds in Account Settings > Notifications > Desktop Notifications.

  • Configure channel specific desktop notifications from Channel Menu > Notification Preferences > Send Desktop Notifications. By default, all channels use the global setting configured in Account Settings.

Activate Browser Notifications

If you don’t receive desktop notifications, it is possible that the notifications are disabled on your browser. Follow these guides to activate desktop notifications on your browser.

Mobile Push Notifications

If the Mybys Android or iOS app is installed, push notifications can be sent to your mobile device. By default, these notifications are sent when you are away or offline for mentions in any channel that is not being viewed on desktop.

  • Configure when push notifications are sent from Account Settings > Notifications > Mobile Push Notifications > Send mobile push notifications.

  • Configure when push notifications are sent depending on your status from Account Settings > Notifications > Mobile Push Notifications > Trigger push notifications when.

Team Sidebar Notifications

If you belong to more than one team, a team sidebar appears to the left of your channel list. It will inform you of unread messages and mentions across teams.

  • Unread messages are denoted by a small dot left of the team icon.

  • Unread mentions are displayed with a mention counter that appears on the top right corner of the team icon.


Browser Tab Notifications

If Smeetin is open in a browser tab the favicon updates to inform you of unread messages and mentions. Browser tab notifications are available on Firefox and Chrome.

  • Unread messages are denoted by an asterisk (*) next to the Smeetin icon.

  • Unread mentions are counted in brackets and incorporate mentions and direct messages from all of your teams.