Team Settings

The Team Settings menu offers Team Administrators the ability to adjust settings applied to a specific team.

The following settings are found in a Team Site from the Three-Dot menu at the top of the left sidebar under Team Settings.


General settings under the Team Settings > General configure how a team is displayed to users.

Team Name

Your Team Name is displayed on the sign-in page, and in the top of the left-hand sidebar for your team.

You can enter a name up to 15 characters in length. The length of team names is limited to ensure readability.

Team Description

Your Team Description is displayed when viewing the list of teams available to join and in the tooltip when hovering over the team name in the team sidebar.

You can enter a description up to 50 characters in length.

Team Icon

Your Team Icon appears in the team sidebar, visible if users are members of more than one team.

You can upload a team icon in BMP, JPG or PNG format. Square images with a solid background color are recommended, since transparency in PNG icons fills with a white background in the Team Sidebar. Removing the team icon resets it to the default icon that contains the first two letters of the team name.