Channel Settings

Notification preferences, channel header, channel purpose, and channel name are customizable for each channel. To access these settings, click the channel name at the top of the page to open the channel menu.

Channel Notification Preferences

Notification preferences can be modified for each channel you belong to.

Mute Channel

By default, channel muting is turned off for all channels. To mute or unmute a channel, click the channel name at the top of the page to access the channel menu, then click Notification Preferences > Mute channel.

Send Desktop Notifications

By default, the desktop notification preference assigned in Account Settings is used for all channels. To customize the desktop notification preference for each channel, click the channel name at the top of the page to access the channel menu, then click Notification Preferences > Send Desktop Notifications.

Send Mobile Push Notifications

By default, the mobile push notification preference assigned in Account Settings is used for all channels. To customize the mobile push notification for each channel, click the channel name at the top of the page to access the channel menu, then click Notification Preferences > Send mobile push notifications.

Channel Header

In the channel menu, select Edit Channel Header to change the text that appears next to the channel name at the top of the screen. It can be used to summarize the channel topic or provide links to frequently accessed documents. Any channel member can edit this setting.

Channel Purpose

In the channel menu, select Edit Channel Purpose to change the text that appears in the More… menu for channels. The channel purpose is usually a short description that helps others decide whether to join the channel.

Channel Name

In the channel menu, select Rename Channel to change the channel name or handle. Changing the channel handle changes the channel URL.